Children - Care - Career: Equal Participation of Women in the European Chemical Industry
Children - Care - Career: Equal Participation of Women in the European Chemical Industry

The proportion of female workers in the European chemical industry is lower than in most other industries. The demographic study carried out by ECEG, industriAll Europe and FECCIA has shown that there is a large unutilized potential of female workers in the chemical industry which is set to grow even more in the future.
This potential must be activated in order to achieve the desired equal opportunities in the medium term, and thus, as a positive synergy effect, to lessen the negative impact of demographic change on the chemical industry in Europe. What we need to do is devise and implement strategies for combining training opportunities, jobs and careers with raising children and the increasing need to look after elderly parents and other family members.
IndustriAll Europe, ECEG and FECCIA plan to maintain a collective dialogue and take on this challenge by way of this project supported by the European Commission. The findings of this project are intended to help companies, associations and national governments from the EU 28 to develop appropriate strategies in the coming years to achieve equal participation of women in the European chemical industry.