Mobility of Young Workers in the Chemical Industry
Mobility of Young Workers in the Chemical Industry
Stimulating Voluntary Mobility of Young Workers in the Chemical Industry in the EU
Social Partner Mentoring-strategies for an increased employment of young workers in the chemical industry after the crisis
ECEG, industriAll Europe, and FECCIA, representing the chemical sector within the EU 28, have embarked on a new project funded by the European Commission. The aim of the project is to encourage young workers who look for employment opportunities in the chemical industry to increase their voluntary mobility to seek job opportunities across Europe. The focus lies on offering these workers qualified support through a dedicated mentoring network, supported by both employees and employers, to help them to improve their working life.
The deliverables of the project include:
- a Mobility Mentoring Portal (MMP) which allows young workers who voluntarily look for employment opportunities in the chemical industrie to connect with a relevant mentor within the EU country (or countries) this worker is considering moving to
- the collation of current mobility patterns of young workers in the chemical sector within the EU 28 and the underlying reasons for it.
- an E-handbook in the most relevant European languages for mentors to help training them in their respective tasks and responsibilities
- the organization of four Mobility Mentoring Workshops (MMW) at which a number of the identified mentors will take part and during which the e-handbook will be tested and optimized
- the organization of two international conferences for discussing the issues and the project results, and to exchange best practices on mentoring programs