
AMPS - Association of Management and Professional Staffs

CFE-CGC - CAOUTCHOUC-CHIMIE-PHARMACIE-PLASTURGIE-TEXTILE-VERRE - Fédération Nationale CFE-CGC du Personnel d'Encadrement des Industries Chimiques

FEDERMANAGER - Federazione Nazionale Dirigenti Aziende Industriali

Ledarna - Sveriges Chefsorganisation

Lederne Denmark - the Danish Organisation of Managers and Executives

Lederne Norway - the Norwegian Organisation of Managers and Executives

VAA - Führungskräfte Chemie - Verband Angestellter Akademiker und Leitender Angestellter der Chemischen Industrie

Observing Member

CNC-NCK - Confédération Nationale des Cadres / Nationale Confederatie van het Kaderpersoneel


CEC - European Managers - Confédération Européenne des Cadres

Supporting Member

EuChemS - European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences